Ce este FreeBitco.in si cum poti primi gratuit Bitcoin de la acest site. FreeBitco.in este unul din cele mai vechi „faucets” (robinete) de Bitcoin de pe Internet ( A fost lansat in 2013 si pana in 2024 a platit peste 250000 de criptomonede Bitcoin ). Este un website ce iti ofera posibilitatea de a castiga Bitcoin in fiecare ora fara a face vreo investitie. Poti utiliza FreeBitco.in foarte usor atat din Browser-ul preferat de pe PC dar si din cel al telefonului cu Android sau iOS.



Acum nu te gandi ca accesand si inregistrandu-te pe acest site poti renunta la jobul de zi cu zi, imaginandu-ti ca vei genera venituri exorbitante.



Din ora in ora insa, gratuit, in pagina „FREE BTC” a siteului poti da Click pe butonul „ROLL” si genera „Satoshi” ( Un „Satoshi” este cea mai mica unitate Bitcoin, criptomoneda fiind echivalentul a 100.000.000 de Satoshi ). In functie de noroc si numarul afisat dupa „ROLL” poti castiga intre 3 si 400.000 Satoshi (valori variabile, date de pretul Bitcoin in ziua respectiva, insa de cele mai multe ori se genereaza 3 sau 4 Satoshi, asa ca nu iti face mari sperante )


Dar, daca esti mai norocos din fire, poti nimeri castigul in Bitcoin, echivalent a $200, suma ce se ofera in fiecare ora pe acest site.


De ce am ales FreeBitco.in ?


Desi este provocator si necesita mult timp sa castigi Bitcoin doar din „ROLL”, acest site ofera gratuit sansa de a participa la loteria lor. Pentru fiecare click pe „ROLL” din ora in ora, vei primi 2 bilete la aceasta loterie si puncte de recompensa. Cu cat ai mai multe tichete de loterie, stranse in cont, cu atat sansele de a castiga un venit substantial in Bitcoin, la extragerea saptamanala sunt mai mari.


Pe langa oportunitatile gratuite oferite de acest site, poti juca diferite jocuri pentru a multiplica veniturile adunate, in pagina „MULTIPLY BTC”, precum „BET HI” sau „BET LO” unde poti incerca sa ghicesti numarul mare sau mic ce va fi afisat, poti selecta factorul de multiplicare, sansa de castig sau dificultatea jocului.

Deasemenea dupa ce ai strans un numar mare de puncte recompensa, le poti preschimba pentru diferite bonusuri oferite de FreeBitco.in inclusiv pentru Bitcoin.

FreeBitco.in ofera celor pasionati si sansa de a paria pe evenimente sportive. Aici poti castiga o parte din fondul de premii si pentru diferitele valori ce le investesti, vei primi bilete suplimentare la loterie, puncte de recompensa sau biletul auriu (” 1 Golden Ticket „) cu sansa de castig la cel mai mare premiu al sitelului.

Printre alte servicii gratuite oferite de FreeBitco.in se numara portofelul de criptomonede, unde poti stoca Bitcoin in siguranta (autenificare cu 2 factori), un serviciu de dobanda (daca alegi sa tii Bitcoin in acest site, vei fi creditat zilnic cu valoarea aferenta oferita de ei) si un serviciu de referali cu recompense benefice.

In concluzie, FreeBitco.in iti poate oferi o modalitate distractiva si fara riscuri, daca alegi sa nu investeti bani, prin care te poti familiariza cu Bitcoin. Nu este metoda cea mai eficienta de a acumulare avere, ci mai mult un site pentru entertainment si noroc.

NOTA: Efectueaza intotdeauna cercetari amanuntite si ia in considerare riscurile ce pot aparea inainte de a te inscrie pe orice platforma crypto sau ce ofera oportunitate de investitie.


How to make money online, get free Bitcoin!


What is FreeBitco.in and how you can get free Bitcoin from this site. FreeBitco.in is one of the oldest Bitcoin faucets on the Internet (It was launched in 2013 and by 2024 it has paid out over 250,000 cryptocurrencies Bitcoin). It is a website that offers you the opportunity to earn Bitcoin every hour without making any investment. You can use FreeBitco.in very easily both from your favorite PC browser and from your Android or iOS phone.



Now, don’t think that by accessing and registering on this site you can give up your daily job, imagining that you will generate exorbitant income.



From hour to hour, for free, on the „FREE BTC” page of the website, you can click on the „ROLL” button and generate „Satoshi” (A „Satoshi” is the smallest Bitcoin unit, the cryptocurrency being the equivalent of 100,000,000 Satoshi). Depending on your luck and the number displayed after „ROLL” you can win between 3 and 400,000 Satoshi (variable values, given by the Bitcoin price on that day, but most of the time 3 or 4 Satoshi are generated, so don’t get your hopes up ).



But, if you are luckier by nature, you can win in Bitcoin, the equivalent to $200, amount that is offered every hour on this site.


Why I chose FreeBitco.in?


Although it is challenging and takes a lot of time to earn Bitcoin just from „ROLL”, this site offers a free chance to participate in their lottery. For every click on „ROLL” from hour to hour, you will receive 2 tickets to this lottery and reward points. The more lottery tickets you have in your account, the higher are the chances of winning a substantial income in Bitcoin, at the weekly draw.



In addition to the free opportunities offered by this site, you can play different games to multiply the collected income, on the „MULTIPLY BTC” page, such as „BET HI” or „BET LO” where you can try to guess the big or small number that will be displayed, you can select the multiplier, the chance of winning or the difficulty of the game.

Also, after you have collected a large number of reward points, you can exchange them for various bonuses offered by FreeBitco.in including Bitcoin.

FreeBitco.in offers enthusiasts the chance to bet on sports events. Here you can win a part of the prize fund and for the different values you invest, you will receive additional lottery tickets, reward points or the golden ticket („1 Golden Ticket”) with a chance to win the site’s biggest prize.

Other free services offered by FreeBitco.in include the cryptocurrency wallet, where you can store Bitcoin safely (2-factor authentication), an interest service (if you choose to keep Bitcoin on this site, you will be credited daily with the related value offered by them) and a referral service with beneficial rewards.

In conclusion, FreeBitco.in can offer you a fun and risk-free way, if you choose not to invest money, through which you can familiarize yourself with Bitcoin. It is not the most efficient method of accumulating wealth, but more of a site for entertainment and luck.

NOTE: Always do thorough research and consider the risks that may arise before signing up for any crypto platform or investment opportunity.

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